Ladara Hicks

Ladara Hicks
Chair/ Woodmen Life

Hi, I’m Ladara Hicks. The first time I topped the hill on Stephen Foster Ave. and I saw the old courthouse I knew one day I would live in Bardstown. It wasn’t until a few years later in 2011, I made that happen. I am originally from Eastern KY, but Bardstown is home. I have always had such a passion for seeing this beautiful town grow.  There is something so special seeing how our town makes tourists and residents so happy. After having my 1st son in 2018 and 2nd son in 2021, I began to reflect on how to be more involved because after all, this will be where they are raised and I want to make sure it stays alive and awesome. I look forward to putting my heart into the Bardstown Main Street Program and helping our local economy continue to thrive. Ladara is currently the Bardstown Main Street Board Chair.

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